Rainbow Bee Eater’s sole purpose is the removal of atmospheric carbon dioxide at large distributed scale with sustainable benefits to the environment, community and economy.
ECHO2, the first commercial process that we have developed, produces low cost, hydrogen-rich Syngas, high-quality Biochar, Wood Vinegar and Carbon Dioxide Removal Certificates (CORCs) from organic residues such as agricultural crop and timber wastes that would otherwise be burned or land-filled.
ECHO2 Syngas is a sustainable fuel that can be used instead of fossil fuels such as LPG and natural gas for a variety of purposes. ~25% of the biomass energy becomes this clean cool mixture of hydrogen, methane, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and nitrogen.
ECHO2 Biochar is a sustainable high carbon, +1000 year permanence product that can be used in horticulture, agriculture and various industrial products with a variety of benefits. Biochar improves the performance of farming soils, composts, fertilisers, animal feeds and of building and construction materials. ~40% of the biomass weight and 70% of the biomass energy becomes biochar.
ECHO2 Wood Vinegar is the biomass moisture and smoke chemicals released during the process. These smoke chemicals are natural bio stimulants that all terrestrial plant and soil life have evolved with, and which greatly improves their productivity, resilience and vigour.
ECHO2 CORCs: Biochar is recognised by the IPCC as one of three scalable and low cost natural methods of carbon drawdown, along with soil carbon and afforestation.
High temperature (+550C) biochar such as ECHO2 produces, when applied to soils, locks up atmospheric carbon dioxide as ‘inertinite’, a very stable form of carbon, for millions of years.
We are the first company outside Europe to produce and sell Puro.earth certified carbon dioxide removal certificates (CORCs). The ECHO2 system typically generates 1 CORC per tonne of feedstock (2.5 to 3 CORCs per tonne of biochar).
The ECHO2 Process
“For industrial users of natural gas or LPG, the cost of the hydrogen rich syngas from your ECHO2 module is likely to be ~$0/Gj.”