Ian Stanley
Co-Founder & Director
Ian is a third-generation farmer and pioneer who oversaw quadrupling of his wheat and sheep farm to 25,000 hectares and the planting and integration of 1.2 million oil mallee trees.
Michael Grant Chief Executive Officer
Michael is a Melbourne based Chemical Engineer with 3 decades of relevant operations, commercial and leadership experience with ICI, Orica, Ixom, Toll and Remondis. Michael was appointed CEO Dec 2023.
Tim Stephens
Process Controls
Tim is a third generation farmer with process skills and networks he has developed across a variety of secondary industries. Tim provides RBE with specialist process controls support.
Peter Burgess
Co-Founder & Director
Peter envisions major global roles for bioenergy and biochar. Before he and Ian started RBE in 2009, he gained thirty years of operational and commercial experience in industrial mining as engineer and leader.
Sean Liddy
Mechanical Engineering
Sean is a mechanical engineer with extensive systems, compliance and project management skills learned in the automotive industry. He is passionate about helping RBE achieve our ECHO2 projects on time and on budget.
James Waterfall
Business Development
James is the third generation of a New South Wales farming family. His background is finance and he is looking to support Australian agriculture through sustainable innovations. James is identifying and developing projects for RBE.
Kim Horne
Kim brings strategic know-how to RBE’s growth stage. In 2014 Kim was appointed as a Member of the
Order of Australia in recognition for his services to the Mining Industry
in numerous Executive roles.
Paul Plater
Paul is a Metallurgical Engineer with extensive experience in metallurgy, materials engineering and selection, non-destructive testing, risk assessment and quality surveillance. Paul and his company
Plater International is leading the materials selection for ECHO2.
Clare Easton Accounts
Clare is the fourth generation of Western Australian based Stanley farming family with a background in business administration. Clare manages our back office financial and carbon accounts systems.
Barry Wilson
Product Development
Barry has extensive experience with granulation and emulsion systems and product development with Incitec Pivot, and Feeco International. Barry is leading the development of a biochar urea granulation system for RBE and Katunga Fresh.
Russell Burnett Biochar & Pyrosol
Russell, a fourth generation Gippsland dairy farmer, in 2017 committed himself passionately to helping what was then the fledgling global biochar industry. Russ supplies biochar systems and expertise internationally and has assisted RBE since Day 1.
Rex Harrison
ECHO2 Service
Rex is a skilled boilermaker with much valuable experience across several primary industries. Rex helped install, commission, service, operate and is helping further development of the ECHO2 commercial module at Holla-Fresh.
Dr Mayuri Wijayasundara
Circular Economies
Mayuri has international expertise in creating the strategies and enablers that assist transition towards a circular economy. Mayuri leads the Life Cycle Analysis process that quantifies the carbon removal and informs the design of each ECHO2 project.