Rainbow Bee Eater technology
ECHO2 harnesses naturally occurring processes akin to those that occur during ‘cool burns’ of forests and grasslands to create attractive sustainable benefits for the environment, the economy and the local community.
ECHO2 efficiently transforms organic residues such as straws and wood into clean syngas, biochar, wood vinegar and carbon dioxide removal certificates.
A Mk 4 ECHO2 commercial module replaces LPG heating at the Holla-Fresh glasshouse. A Mk4 ECHO2 ‘6 Pack’ will replace natural gas heating at the Katunga Fresh glasshouse in 2025.
Biochar has many commerical applications in agricultural, industrial and consumer markets.
Like Patagonia, ‘we are in business to save our home planet’.
About Rainbow Bee Eater
Founded in 2007.
⬅️ R&D Prototype. Kalannie, WA. Head Office, Melbourne, Vic.
Manufacturing. Melbourne, Vic. ECHO2 Holla-Fresh, Tantanoola SA ECHO2 Katunga Fresh, Katunga, Vic
Commercial case study
Ian Lines, Owner of Holla-Fresh, Tantanoola SA